How to Make My Cat Accept a New Cat: Everything You Should Know

Norwegian Forest Cats in a Less Dense Forest Area

This article explores strategies for facilitating the acceptance of a new cat by an existing household feline. The objective of this study is to provide owners with evidence-based recommendations on how to introduce a new cat and create a harmonious coexistence between the resident and newcomer. By understanding feline behavior, implementing gradual interaction and socialization … Read more

How To Give Cat Eye Drops: What You Need To Know

Administering eye drops to cats is an essential aspect of feline healthcare. This article aims to provide comprehensive guidance on the proper techniques for giving cat eye drops. It begins by emphasizing the significance of eye drops in maintaining optimal ocular health in cats. The article then discusses the process of selecting suitable eye drops … Read more

Do Automatic Litter Boxes Smell? All There’s to Know

Automatic litter box

In modern pet care, automatic litter boxes have become a popular choice for cat owners. These innovative devices promise convenience and cleanliness, but a pressing concern lingers: do automatic litter boxes smell? Automatic litter boxes employ advanced technologies and efficient waste management systems that help minimize bad smells. However, like any litter box, they can … Read more